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Laika Caravans S.p.A. views QUALITY as the objective for the pursuance of excellence throughout the motorhome production value chain and it is a fundamental corporate principle, central to all processes and functions and intended to satisfy all our Customers’ needs, even the most specific.


CORPORATE CULTURE AND HISTORY: a culture of beauty and elegance has always been fundamental to the creation of Laika products. Italian design and style are the inspiration for every project.

TRADITION AND COMMUNITY are core parts of the company’s identity, as it believes strongly in the Italian artisan tradition with a modern industrial vision.

PASSION AND CARE for our vehicles guide us and enhance our awareness of our Customers’ expectations.

COOPERATION AND EMPOWERMENT of every single person are crucial for the development and growth of vehicles’ Quality level.

HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELLBEING must be guaranteed for everyone who works at Laika, in accordance with the requirements set out by the ISO 45001:2018 standard, under which the company holds certification.


TOP QUALITY, SAFE, RELIABLE products and services, compliant with the relevant regulations and the latest Italian and international standards, with the highest Customer satisfaction our highest aim.


  • SOCIAL: ethics and inclusiveness in a people – centred approach, recognising every individual’s importance for the Quality of the company’s product and processes;
  • ENVIRONMENTAL: every company decision embraces environmental stewardship;
  • ECONOMIC: striving for competitiveness through the ability to adapt to a fast – changing market.

TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION in every one of our products, aiming to set the highest standards for Quality and Technology in the recreational vehicles industry.

RAPID RESPONSE to our Customers and suppliers, to create trust and awareness.

TRAINING AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT with growth and communication policies for personnel.

TRANSPARENCY AND MONITORING OF INFORMATION and knowledge needed for the efficiency and control of processes, for the achievement of our objectives.

CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT of the Quality Management System, the efficiency of company processes and the supply chain, in accordance with company and international standards (ISO 9001:2015).

Descargue el nuevo libro de marca de Laika y conozca nuestra misión, valores e inspiración.

    He leído la declaración de confidencialidad y que estoy de acuerdo con ella.


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      He leído la declaración de confidencialidad y que estoy de acuerdo con ella.

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      Puede encontrar los manuales de instrucciones de nuestros modelos aquí.

      La combinación perfecta para el gusto de cada uno.

      La serie Ecovip ofrece una amplia variedad de tapizados. Cada combinación incluye respaldos y asientos ajustables.

      ¡Todo está claro!
      Versiones de camas
      Camas gemelas
      Cama doble
      Cama basculante
      Cama central trasera